Thalli glossy, yellowish to dark green, somewhat fleshy, 1-5 cm long, 2-8 mm wide, prostrate, scarcely branched, without a midrib, thickened to near the margins, wings lacking or narrow, margins more or less lobed and usually undulate or crisped, thulli apices with slimy papillae, oil-bodies usually numerous per cell, very small, finely granular. Androecia in 2-6 rows on short branches. Gynoecia clustered in incisions of the thullus margin, hidden under a small thullus wing. Sporophytes surrounded by a fleshy calyptra; pseudoperianth lacking; capsules ellipsoidal, dehiscing in 4 valves; setae thick, in cross section 8-16 cells in diameter. Vegetative reproduction lacking.